Generated Landscapes: 2020-2022
For many of us, the onset of Covid was a grounding of sorts. Travel plans canceled, confined to our houses the need to explore festered and grew. For me it manifested itself in seeking out what was the furthest away and seemingly inaccessible.
I took to Google Earth and flew around within that sprawling digitized world. The mountains became a particular zone of interest. I found that there were certain viewpoints, elevations and angles where I felt I was looking more at a photograph in the traditional sense, rather than an image consisting of thousands of photographs stitched together with an algorithm (which is how Google Earth imagery is created). By printing these viewpoints to standard postcard size and then photographing those printed post cards, I created a flattened and simple representation of what is an incredibly complex view to generate; a work devoid of topographical representation.
As our collective experience becomes increasingly digital, these images explore how synthetic frontiers affect our understanding of the natural world.